Delivery & Return

Delivery Information

Delivery Methods:

  • Logistic shipping only, face trade or store delivery are not provided.
  • So far only SF Express are provided.
  • Free delivery for single purchase over HK$1,000
  • The discounted amount must have deducted all cash coupons and discount coupons
  • Free shipping does not include surcharges in remote areas (additional charges will be charged when dispatching)


Cut off time:

  • The cut off time of selected SF Express would be every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12 noon. Products will be sent out within 2-3 working days after that.



  • Customer should consider the transportation risk before purchase. If there is any damage or loss during the transportation, customer will bear the loss. If there is any deterioration, damage or loss during the mailing process, BOOZER will not make any compensation.

Returns Policy

Return procedure:

  • Keep all packaging materials, including original packaging, receipt and related gifts.
  • Request for return within 3 days of receiving the products.
  • After confirming that the product status meets the requirements of the return policy, we will contact the customer to return. Products should be returned within seven days after the notice is given.

The refund procedure is as follows::

  • After receiving the returned products, we will arrange a refund within 7 working days.
  • If you pay by credit card, the refund will be refunded directly to the paid credit card account. Since the refund date of each bank is different, please refer to your bank for the specific refund time and related information.

We reserve the right to refuse the customer’s return request in the following circumstances:

  • Refund is only applicable on wine or champagne below HK$700 (per bottle) or less than 10 years old.
  • Products are damaged by humans
  • Exceeding the return period
  • Products that have been opened, used, or damaged for personal reasons
  • Receipt are missing or incomplete
  • Product is not provided by BOOZER
  • Colour aberration between the picture and the product

We do not accept the refund requests in the following situations:

  • The order cannot be delivered because the address provided by the customer is incorrect


  • Regarding the return and refund arrangement, reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute.



  • 所有貨品只限郵寄,不設面交/ 門市交收。
  • 暫時只提供順豐快遞配送服務。
  • 購物折實後額滿 港幣1,000元免運費
  • 折實後金額必須已扣除所有現金券、優惠碼折扣
  • 免運費不包括偏遠地區附加費 (派件時會額外收取)
  • 購物折實未滿 港幣1,000元,順豐快遞只提供到付服務。



  • 順豐快遞 逢星期一、三、五,中午12時截單,截單後將於2-3個工作天內寄出。



  • 客人購買前應考慮運送風險,運送期間如有損毀或遺失,客人需自行承擔損失,如郵寄過程中有任何變質、損毀或遺失,本店一概不會作出任何賠償。



  • 保留所有包裝物料,包括原裝包裝、單據及相關禮品。
  • 在收到貨品三天內聯絡我們,提出退貨要求。
  • 確認貨品狀態符合退貨政策的要求後,我們會聯絡客戶退回貨品,並必須於發出通知後七天內退回貨品。


  • 在收回退貨貨品後,我們將於七個工作天內安排退款。
  • 如使用信用卡付款,退款將直接退回付款的信用卡帳戶中。由於各銀行的退款到帳日期有所不同,具體退款時間及相關訊息,請洽詢您的發卡銀行。


  • 貨物出現人為破損
  • 超過退換貨期限的退換貨要求
  • 已開封、使用或因個人原因而造成任何損壞的商品
  • 客戶發貨單據丟失或者不全
  • 產品並非我們提供
  • 圖片與實物有色差問題


  • 因為客戶提供的地址不正確而造成的訂單無法送達。


  • 關於退貨退款的安排,如有任何爭議, 保留最終決定權。